For more than 40 years Ovarro’s engineers have developed monitoring and control technology to enrich our customers understanding of their assets and provide them with trusted insights to make business critical decisions for the advancement of productivity, safety and security. Explore our advanced control technologies and discover how we can make a big difference to your business.
Benefits of implementing monitoring and control technology systems
Businesses that use advanced control technologies and monitoring devices gain a serious advantage over their competitors. Offering better process automation, higher productivity and greater efficiency, devices like Remote Telemetry Units (RTUs) collect, interpret, communicate and even act on data. As a result, operators can be sure their critical assets are secure and performing optimally, no matter where they are located.
RTUs form part of a monitoring and control technology system when combined with a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) platform, like Ovarro’s SCOPE solution.
Ovarro’s data loggers and leak noise correlators make it easier to identify leaks in water networks. Data loggers monitor and record environmental conditions such as flow and pressure, reducing the costs and number of worker hours needed to monitor the networks.
Choosing a monitoring and control device
We offer a variety of different monitoring and control technologies. To determine which is the right choice for your application, get in touch or follow the links below.