Night Use Estimation and Improved Leakage Targeting
Ovarro consultants are at the forefront of research to improve estimates of night-time water usage. We can integrate these with minimum night flows to derive your leakage estimates for both operational leakage targeting and water balance reporting.
Our Techniques use modern fast logging equipment and we can provide you with additional insight into the seasonal variation in night use.
Our analysis of fast logging data has improved targeting of leakage reduction activities by enhancing understanding of anomalous areas where measurement is suspect and diagnosing areas where high night flows represent genuine undetected leakage.
The outputs of our analysis provide short and long-run sustainable economic levels of leakage, accounting for social and environmental costs.
Our work has included modelling, in detail, the economics of pressure management at DMA level, accounting for reductions in leakage and bursts, and the impact of pressure on customers.
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