Improving Efficiency for Broadcast and Telecoms

The Challenge

Broadcast and Telecoms infrastructure companies have a variety of different sites, ranging from simple, cellular base stations with a single transmitter to large broadcast sites with multiple radio services. These varied requirements often result in a lack of standardisation across all sites.

Larger sites are more likely to need multiple RTUs which increases the cost of maintenance and remote communications for the company.

As a result, the business challenge was to create a more cost-efficient and standardised process for infrastructure companies.

broadcast sunset.jpg
Ovarro Broadcast icon
Ovarro Monitoring and control icon
Product Type
Ovarro RTU Icon
TBox Logo - Tbox is an Ovarro RTU technology
TBox MS RTU in rack for broadcast application
The Solution

Our range of TBox RTUs offer great flexibility through connectivity to various SCADA and data platforms.

This benefits companies that need to communicate with several different monitoring systems, across larger distances.

The TBox product range offers a suitable solution for all site sizes and types due to broad IO and communication options; this, coupled with the device’s powerful processor, allows for standardisation across all site types.


Our RTUs are already field proven in a telecoms environment, with units successfully working for over 15 years at some sites so we are confident that our products can deliver maximum efficiency and reduced costs to broadcast companies globally.

TBox MS modular RTU
We are proud to add value to the biggest European wireless telecommunication operator. There was no better recognition of our know-how than when they announced they would expand the usage of our devices to other new projects.
Regional Sales Manager, Ovarro

All TBox devices are programmable with the same software suite, TWinSoft.

TWinSoft allows for standard applications to create matching site specific requirements. It also allows for the creation of Interactive webpages, where users will be able to monitor and control their site assets. 

Twinsoft software for TBox
Operational Benefits & Key Deliverables

Previously, RTU solutions have required highly skilled engineers for final configuration, install and commissioning. TWinSoft’s simple web pages mean that this can be completed by anyone with basic training.

One particular Spanish Broadcast and Telecoms company equipped 300 sites with our RTUs, with further installations to come. To improve operational efficiency, 16 of their engineers were trained and coached by our Spanish partner which increased their knowledge of how to programme and use our devices.

  • A better control and management capability
  • Improved reliability of devices
  • Reduced maintenance costs
  • Multi-protocol communications
  • Remote or local visibility of the status of your system
  • High-level cyber security tools